Welcome to


A web page to keep you up to speed on things going on in our family.


                                                         2005 Christmas card photo


The immediate things we are going to do on this webpage are 1) keep you up to speed on the big move and 2) provide some long awaited family photos. As for the move, we unofficially moved on February 7, 2005. The movers actually came 6 days later. Anyway, it has been an ordeal, but we are in and at this point about 85% unpacked. Thanks to everyone who pitched in and helped and a huge thank you to Vanesa and Cathleen. Our new address is

The Lingamfelters

595 Washington Road

Rye, NH 03870



Thanks to Verizon we could not keep our old phone number despite what they told us originally. Secondly, our old number does not forward and lastly there is not even a recording telling you what our new number is. They also screwed up our DSL order. They have some of the worst customer service known to mankind and still act like the have a monoploy. We miss Covad, but now that we live in the country....

IT is incredibility cliché for a web site to say this, but we are definitely under construction here.  I will spare you the lame little gif of a construction barrier. But do check back soon. I did want to offer you a link to one additional page with some more photos on it. And also a link to my email

email chris   email cynde

photos of the new house

recent family photos

photos from 2001